
This inside fastball question, as only a ten-year-old can deliver it, was pitched at my friend, Russ.

Russ was a Greatest Generation guy who had done a bunch of cool stuff as an aerospace engineer, inventor, and perpetual entrepreneur. In his later years, he volunteered at his church’s Vacation Bible School, doing science demonstrations for the kids.

Russ was brilliant, opinionated, challenging and let’s call it, “gruff.” Adults often found him intimidating.

But he showed another side to kids. Maybe he was tapping into the sense of wonder and tenacity he’d shown as a kid, growing up in the Depression. He’d scavenged in junkyards for wire to build a crystal radio. (It worked.) Maybe the kids picked up on that.

He’d also been known to reward students with candy, although this was no longer encouraged in childrens’ ministry circles. So when Russ said, “Any questions?” the kids would have questions.

“If God is real, how come nobody can see him?”

There was a pause. The kid who asked this question knew it was a tough one.

Russ had not fielded this question before. But he replied:

Oooh. The kid nodded with satisfaction.

Watch the corresponding video here.

Multi-wavelength, false-colored view of the M82 galaxy. Original from NASA. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.” by NASA/ CC0 1.0


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