
Ask questions, be yourself, use your powers, trust Jesus!

God made, and loves, people of all kinds. Tens of millions of them are nerds, or nerd-adjacent. Jesus loves nerds! Even if church isn’t sure what to do with them.

In his ministry, Jesus did not limit himself to traditional religious people, or the cultural mainstream. He invited all kinds of people to take their place in God’s kingdom. Nerdy characteristics like passion, curiosity, nonconformity and a desire to change the world are embraced in the kingdom of God as taught by Jesus. 

Jesus attracts stigmatized friends like Matthew, hyper focused friends like Mary of Bethany, questioning friends like Thomas, disruptive innovator friends like Paul, marginalized friends like Mary Magdalene, world challenging friends like John.

Being drawn to Jesus, or committing to follow him, doesn’t necessarily mean a person will find a place in church. From a spiritual point of view, church is a family where all God’s kids belong. From a social point of view, churches are human institutions that can be friendly to people seen as “like us,” while indifferent, unfriendly, or hostile to those who who don’t fit in, or are simply not understood.

Nerdchurch is a nondenominational Christian ministry that unapologetically does nerdy things in nerdy spaces while sharing the gospel of Jesus and the kingdom of God. We connect with fun, serious, and painful aspects of people’s experience as we share questions, passions, and the powers God has given us.

Ask questions, be yourself, use your powers, trust Jesus!

Nerdchurch.church is a program of Nerdchurch Partners Corporation.